Highway Lane Detection
Highway Lane Detection was a course project in the ENPM673 Perception for Autonomous Robots course. The project aimed to detect straight and curved lanes on a highway to be used as a sub-system on a driverless vehicle.
The algorithm used is as follows:
Read image
Convert to grayscale
Perform Sobel Edge Detection
Perform Morphological Operations to make edges more prominent and remove noise
Obtain processed image using a combination of the resulting image along with color detection (based on yellow and white)
Extract the Region of Interest from the processed image
Extract Hough Lines from the resulting image based on certain conditions and perform curve fitting on the three most prominent lines to estimate the driving lanes
The project source code can be found on Github at: https://github.com/bharatm11/Lane-Detection



Clean Edges
Clean Edges

Color Mask
Color Mask

Final Processed Image

Hough Lines